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Vitamin B1



Helps to transform food you eat into energy you need, namely it helps the body's cells to convert carbohydrates into energy. regulates cell growth and division for reproduction.


Thiamine is essential for growth, development and functioning of cells in your body. It also plays a role in muscle contraction and nerve signalling.

Men require 1.2 mg of thiamine per day, women 1.1 mg, pregnant and lactating women 1.4 mg

Retinol content: mg/100 g
Sunflower seed 1,96
Rice, peeled 1,84
Pine nuts 1,28
Pork, not fatty 0,93
Shelled peas 0,90
Sunflower halvah 0,80
Peanut 0,80
Wheat bran 0,75
Pistachios 0,67
Oats 0,60
Cashew, Chicken liver 0,50
Keta and pink salmon caviar 0,50
Hazelnut 0,46
Flakes "Hercules" 0,45
Peeled buckwheat 0,43
Millet 0,42
Corn 0,40
Beef kidney 0,39
Wheat flour 0,37
Corn flour 0,35
Keta, Walnuts 0,33
Wholemeal bread 0,30
Pork liver, Salmon, Tuna 0,30
Garlic 0,25
Almonds, Pumpkin and Zucchini Seeds 0,24
Navaga 0,23
Grain bread 0,22
Cow milk, fatty cottage cheese 0,10
Hard cheese 0,10